Trusting God’s Voice: Lessons from Psalm 118

Have you ever stumbled upon a piece of scripture that just stopped you in your tracks? That’s what happened to me with Psalm 118:8-9. It says, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” It’sContinue reading “Trusting God’s Voice: Lessons from Psalm 118”

the unveiling majesty

In moments of grief and solitude, we often find solace in the pages of our Bible. After my dad’s passing, I turned to the familiar words of Psalm 23, seeking comfort. As I continued to read, Psalm 29 unfolded before me like a tapestry of profound theology, stopping me in my tracks. Join me inContinue reading “the unveiling majesty”

Sing a Song to the One Who’s All I Need

Still, I will praise You. As I sat at my little piano, my fingers clumsily hit the notes to a favorite worship song of mine. At first, it frustrated me that the wrong chords were being played sometimes or that I seemed to be stuck on just playing a regular chord and not feeling confidentContinue reading “Sing a Song to the One Who’s All I Need”

holiness, legalism and being a goody-goody

When did pursuing holiness become legalistic? Not long ago, a friend invited me out to a movie. I politely declined. There were multiple reasons for this. Movie tickets are expensive, even when it is a matinee. I can never avoid the temptation of purchasing that jumbo-sized bag of popcorn – yes, I would like extraContinue reading “holiness, legalism and being a goody-goody”

He is Faithful and Just

My church is doing a memory project in which we, as a congregation, have been given 25 Bible verses to memorize through the Spring and Summer. We’ll then receive another 25 verses to memorize in the Fall and Winter. I am so excited to participate in this and intentionally learn and memorize scripture. The goalContinue reading “He is Faithful and Just”

The Way, The Truth & The Life

My church is doing a memory project in which we, as a congregation, have been given 25 Bible verses to memorize through the Spring and Summer. We’ll then receive another 25 verses to memorize in the Fall and Winter. I am so excited to participate in this and intentionally learn and memorize scripture. The goalContinue reading “The Way, The Truth & The Life”

You do You (and other lies)

You do you! Believe in yourself! Follow your heart! Do what makes you happy! Love yourself! These phrases appear all over these days. From social media posts to inspirational blog posts, magazine articles, and self-help books. You will be quick to find something pertaining to one of these sayings and it makes sense because ourContinue reading “You do You (and other lies)”

People or God and Do We Have to Choose

I recently found a quote that went like this: If you’ve reached a point where you only attend a church because of the relationships you’ve built there and not because of the sound doctrine/teaching that’s actually feeding your soul, then maybe it’s time to evaluate whether you’re attending a sound biblical church. Well isn’t thatContinue reading “People or God and Do We Have to Choose”

Through the Hymns: Blessed Assurance

I just love the hymns. While I have nothing against a new worship song, there is something so rich and wonderful about a hymn. Oftentimes, the lyrics are straight from scripture and are filled with deep truth. I know some may find them “old-fashioned” but, as far as I’m concerned, the Bible will never beContinue reading “Through the Hymns: Blessed Assurance”